Once Kalani lays out his plan to “win” the Clone Wars

What we’ve seen in recent years is the Enronization of the entire financial sector. The ethical bankruptcy of the CEOs, executives, and traders in these mega banks, when combined with the lack of any real oversight, the perverse incentive structure, and political clout, all means we’ve taken a Great Leap Backward toward Mercantilism. We’ll never be able to address the needs of our society so long as these parasites are given a free ride to steal from us in every way possible through their control of the supply lines of vital commodities.”Because much of the aluminum is simply moved from one Metro [International Trade Services] facility to another http://jfpontagarca.com/2013/07/08/the-very-first-1-which-is-in-the-best-5-spot-of-the-leading-5/,” Kocieniewski writes, “warehouse workers said they routinely saw the same truck drivers making three or more round trips each day.” What an absurdist use of human labor playing Ring Around the Rosie with aluminum warehouses around Detroit. These workers’ labor not only has a large slice skimmed off in the form of surplus value, but also, since they’re contributing nothing to the “efficient” distribution of goods (which is pretty weird for warehouse workers) they’re just another piece of the latest Wall Street scam.

Hermes Replica Bags A Catholic priest dies and a strange canister with a green, swirling liquid in it is discovered in the basement of an abandoned church. Another priest (Donald Pleasence) asks an old acquaintance, quantum physicist Professor Birack (Victor Wong), to investigate the mystery of the canister. The priest claims that the liquid in the canister is in fact the corporeal form of an ancient evil, which is starting to reawaken and influence the world around itself. He wants Birack to prove this scientifically, so that they can warn the world. To this end, Birack brings several of his students and fellow scientists of various fields to the church to study the canister, and they discover that it is 7 million years old and can be opened only from the inside. Hermes Replica Bags

Replica Hermes Birkin Astonishingly Appropriate Interruption: Zeb finishes off Ezra’s Armour Piercing Question by saying “the Empire”, not because he was answering it, but because they’re currently landing on the planet. Badass in Distress: Rex, Kanan, Ezra and Zeb are captured by Kalani. Once Kalani lays out his plan to “win” the Clone Wars, Zeb is kept as a hostage for the others to rescue. Break Out the Museum Piece: Prequel Trilogy/Clone Wars era battle droids against Original Trilogy Stormtroopers and AT AT Walkers. Unfortunately the droids have seen far better days and are severely lacking in equipment, having only a handful of droidekas as their heavy support with no tanks or artillery. They also lack their characteristic numbers this time around. An old Separatist shuttle is used to replace the Phantom. Call Back: The Phantom was destroyed in “Steps Into Shadow”. A Separatist Sheathipede class transport shuttle is used to replace it, which is christened the Phantom II in its honour. The leader of the holdout is General Kalani, last seen in the Onderon arc of The Clone Wars. At the end of the arc, he was reassigned to Agamar, where this episode happens to take place. Rex mentions there were a few “exceptions” of clones that manage to live outside of the structure and occupation of their programming as soldiers. He’s possibly referring to Cut Lawquane from “The Deserter”. Rex suggests telling Ezra about the Battle of Geonosis. Continuity Nod: As we all know, the Clone Army fought against battle droids during the Clone Wars. The squad that fires at Kanan and Ezra so that they can reflect it at the proton bombs is called D Squad, the same name as Colonel Gascon’s squad of astromechs in one of the arcs of The Clone Wars. Kallus once again compliments his superior, Pryce, and is also shut down, like with Vader back in “The Siege of Lothal”. When Rex appears to briefly suffer PTSD upon awakening among Separatist droids, he thinks Kanan’s voice calling his name is the voice of Cody, Obi Wan’s clone marshall commander whom Rex worked with on several occasions. Rex mentions he never counted the droids he destroyed, unlike some clones. When he says this, we see a shot of the checkmarks on his helmet. While most clones used something like that to track their kills, Rex was tracking the number of times the helmet saved his life. Creative Closing Credits: The ending shows the Rebels logo in the style of The Clone Wars and blends the themes. Death Seeker: Easy to miss, but Kalani has accepted the possibility of defeat and acknowledges his meager, short circuiting army, and doesn’t even flinch much when Rex fires his blaster, thus implying he was only stretching out a war game just to live out his programming on his own terms he’d truly rather die fighting a Clone Trooper than rust away forgotten on an abandoned planet Replica Hermes Birkin.

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