Friend to All Living Things: Penny in spades

He’s determined to destroy the station, a testament to his failure and disgrace. It’s not on any cosmic Evil Overlord’s Take Over list, nor is it covered in any Milky Way Geography classes.. Wallace recognizes her as the spokeswoman for Bake O Lite Bread, but she was fired as the “Bake O Lite Girl” when she became too heavy to fly the balloon they used in advertising.

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Nicholas is also a deconstruction of this trope, being an insufferable workaholic who annoys everyone with Insistent Terminology and who makes the rest of the London Service look bad. (To be fair, the series continued to be a top 20 hit for two more seasons, with the real dooming catalyst being Dan Blocker’s death and a move of the series to Tuesday evenings from its longtime Sunday night home.) New addition Griff King (Tim Matheson) in the final season, a parolee, served as one to help make up for the loss of Hoss.

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